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Visual Simulations

Visualisation of information derived from data using AI algorithms in the Offshore Energy sector has emerged as a fundamental technology enabling human understanding of complex data and automated decision processes to support major projects to help accelerate the energy transition.

There is a challenge for visualisation methods to keep pace with the scale and complexity of these activities. This needs research and innovation to create and deliver visualisation tools that can continue to deliver technical, economic and social benefits.

It is not just data science professionals that can benefit from improved data visualisation. Strategic and operational decision makers can be better informed by having information extracted from complex data models made more explainable and understandable to those who do not have a background in data science. Visualisation will help actionable information be more available and understandable.

NTZC is seeking ‘what if’ scenario visual simulations that utilises operational, environmental and market data using various artificial intelligence methods – e.g. machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning – to support and optimise current operations and future asset deployments.

We are also offering funding support to model the assembly and installation of substructure systems for UK floating offshore wind, using the marine simulator located at the National Decommissioning Centre (University of Aberdeen).


We are seeking ideas to achieve this strategic vision. Technology ideas should articulate:

  • The challenge that the technology is looking to resolve and how it enhances existing operational capabilities.
  • The approach taken and the type of AI being utilised.
  • The use case/s that the solution will be deployed to deliver value for end users and contribute towards the energy transition. The novelty of this approach compared to other solutions.

Ideas to be considered for this focus area should:

  • Be agnostic and applicable to any sector.
  • Technology Entry Level is minimum 3 with development to achieve up to 8.