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Be bold. Be a Dragon. Break barriers to innovation…

06 February 2020

Walk into any event across the globe, however small or large, and you will hear the word innovation. Then ask any manager attending the event what the key success factors are, and I guarantee that they will talk about the powerful role people play in innovation. This is just as true in the oil and gas industry.

However, as I found in the results of my previous research, this industry is often reluctant to adopt new technologies. The race to be second or indeed tenth, has been the preferred option. This may in part stem from the significant risk involved in adopting innovation but also from the people who make or break a technology. Yet, little research has been done into these psychological barriers. If we want to embrace innovation, we need to understand how to leverage these people factors.

This is where our two-year project between the Aberdeen Business School and the Oil & Gas Technology Centre fits in. Our next step is to identify the success critical/money-maker psychological factors that are stopping us from maximising innovation’s potential, and I need your help…

Our latest study is a little more exciting and dare I say, innovative. It asks you to be bold, walk into the dragon’s den and become a hypothetical judge with 12 new start-ups. You can then make decisions about these technologies as if they were being presented for consideration to your company/organisation.

If you like the idea of supporting this research and getting a sneak peak of some of the tools that we are developing, why not take part? It is entirely anonymous and will only take about 20 minutes to complete.

Click here to take part!

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