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Renewables & energy storage

Using offshore floating wind to decarbonise offshore assets is a hot topic, with many companies racing to be the first to deliver. However, the costs of floating wind must half to deliver more economic project opportunities.

To enable this, we are targeting renewables and energy storage technologies that will significantly reduce floating offshore wind LCOE and best fit the local supply chain.

The technology focus areas are substructures and foundations, cabling and offshore energy storage solutions. Read below to find out more. 

Substructures and foundation - we aimed to find technology that can be developed in time for SCOTWIND to maximise the UK supply chain and port infrastructure use. This includes technologies that will help with the WTG installation, operations, and maintenance. 

Cabling - we aimed to look for design, manufacturing and operations and maintenance technologies for dynamic and static cabling, which will lower costs and improve operational performance. 

Energy Management & Storage – we aimed to look for innovative solutions covering energy management and storage which will support the reliable delivery, security and availability of power from an intermittent renewable source.