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Advancing Remote Operations playbook

If the UK energy industry is to continue to build on its track record in technology development and innovation, it will need to become a global leader in remote technology solutions.  
The Advancing Remote Operations (ARO) project equips the energy industry with the knowledge, know-how and technology solutions to accelerate widescale adoption of remote operations, providing safer, more efficient and sustainable operations, ultimately reducing the offshore CO2 footprint. 
This playbook addresses several themes related to the adoption of digital and remote technologies, including:  

  • Key operational drivers for change 
  • Technology foundations  
  • Enabling technology solutions 
  • Commercial and workforce dynamics 
  • Key management, communication and engagement  
    challenges to be addressed  

Download the playbook for the key findings and recommendations.

The ARO project is one of seven projects being delivered through NZTC’s Net Zero Technology Transition Programme (NZTTP), which was awarded £16.5 million from the Scottish Government’s Energy Transition Fund (ETF). 

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