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In Profile: Insider Interview with NZTC CEO Myrtle Dawes

04 October 2023 1 minute read

In profile: Myrtle Dawes, CEO NZTC was interviewed by Insider, giving insight on what influenced her to become an engineer, what’s needed to secure a successful energy transition and the importance of balance, innovation, and practicality in achieving net-zero goals.

“When my daughter was about 11, she came home and explained that she didn’t know what her parents did for a living, and was then quite surprised that I was also an engineer ‘like daddy’.”

Commenting on the readiness of technology to achieve net zero she states: “The tech required to get to net zero isn’t yet commercialised, so the centre’s task is to encourage it through to fruition.”

On the capability of the energy sector as a whole, she emphasised: “We have the capability and ingenuity to solve these problems in the UK, the challenge perhaps is how we marry these opportunities with making investment cases.”

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